EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Meditation abstract, essential to formation of Christian character 5T 113    [83]
    man was to find happiness in 1BC 1082
    mind is elevated and refined by, on holy things FE 132
    mind should be trained to delight in, on things of God 2T 265
    moments spent in, many people seem to begrudge SD 109
    most profound, God’s incomparable love as theme of 4T 80
    neglect of, blessing lost by DA 83
       result of, on sacred instruction given by God FE 132
    neglected for bustle and show 4T 535
    on God elevates soul and quickens affections 2T 505
    on God’s goodness closes soul’s avenues to Satan’s suggestions 4T 222
    one hour each day in, strength received from 1T 433
    periods for, take ML 214
    prayer and: Christ often spent entire night in DA 260
       declension of spiritual interests results from neglect of 2T 505-6
       Enoch spent much time in PP 85
       following Christ requires effort and 2T 637
       needed to keep men aroused to resist Satan 1T 295
       preserve men from critical position 4T 45
       walk to Assos provided Paul opportunity for AA 391-2
       youth should give themselves to 1T 503-4