EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Meditation abstract, essential to formation of Christian character 5T 113    [83]
    time set apart for, need of MH 509
    time should be devoted daily to MYP 114;5T 112;
    too little, among God’s people 2T 187
    would keep men from rushing unbidden into danger DA 126
    youth should give themselves to 1T 503
    See also Contemplation; Reflection
    action without, means faithful efforts like untrained vine TDG 66.4
    Christ’s love, mission, and work for us in OHC 18.2
    divine, growth in grace proportional to TMK 193.2
    elevated themes to be subjects of HP 170.6
    habit of, on divine things brings spiritual growth AG 303.2
    idle, faculties not to be wasted in TDG 33.2
    John the Baptist not distracted from, in wilderness CC 270.4
    ministers to spend more time in prayer and sacred VSS 219.1
    nature invites FLB 25.4;TMK 144.4;
    on God’s ideal lifts you into His presence HP 161.6
    on Word of God displaces craving for what you have not HP 161.5
    sensing God’s presence is higher, than produced by fiction 1MCP 94.5
    temple in heaven understood by study and prayer and TMK 273.4
    time not to be spent only in OHC 221.4