EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mercy, Mercies   [298]
    unworthy self to be thrown upon, of Jesus 3SM 145.1
    view of restriction of, dishonors God OHC 245.3
    voice of, invites (couple addressed in letter) to come TDG 264.6
    waves of, beaten back returned in stronger tides of love HP 234.2
    wholly undeserved RC 78.3
    withdrawal of, at the close of probation Mar 264.2
    without justice, would make government of God unstable Mar 326.3
    See also Christ, mercy of
    acts of,
       counted as though done to Jesus TMK 335.4
       Father in heaven sees and numbers those doing TMK 335.3
    attribute humans may share with God HP 238.2
    cherish, that led Christ to make infinite sacrifice HP 238.4
    Christ revealed by deeds of UL 126.3
    consider, when dealing with others TMK 181.2
    err on the side of TSB 242.4
    express, to those you help to break the yoke TDG 224.3
    for a bereaved person HP 272.3
    harshness and ruggedness smoothed by scheme of OHC 72.3