EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mind, Minds   [2867]
see beauty of God’s promises TMK 136.4
       under influence of truth TMK 200.3
       baffled by truths of the Bible TMK 8.3
       well to have, with individuality; labor together 2MCP 429.1
       youth prepared for need for, by overcoming difficulties 1MCP 365.2
    subjected to God’s will by self-discipline 1MCP 102.0
    submerging, in another;
       is not God’s desire 2MCP 428.2;RC 35.4;
       mind in Christ instead OHC 108.3
    submission of, to God’s Spirit shown by offerings and prayer HP 322.5
    suffering of, God’s care through; yet you must yield TDG 295.5;UL 300.6;
    Sun of Righteousness to shine into chambers of TDG 29.5
    superiority of, promoted by right physical habits RC 142.3
    superstition and falsehood tyrannize, without Bible 1MCP 96.4
    surrendered to the power of God by receiving truth OHC 104.5
    talk of things that leave a good impression on 2MCP 798.4
    tax, contemplating God and His plan 1MCP 94.4
       to mold; they need firmness of character 1MCP 189.2