EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mind, Minds   [2867]
    crowded with mass of matter it cannot digest, cannot walk in light of God 7T 205
    crowded with mass of matter it will never be able to use, becomes dwarfed and enfeebled FE 447
    cultivated: choice of simple and appropriate clothing reveals CG 413;Ed 248;MYP 353;
       commanding love and respect SD 132
       is measure of man CT 475;MH 499;4T 561;
       reflected in countenance SD 132
    Daniel’s, plainness of diet benefited 4T 515-6
    darkened, unhealthful food produces CD 426;FE 143;3T 569;
    darkened by indulging in sin DA 106;5T 682;
    David’s, clear and strong in his old age PP 749
    debased: baleful drugs produce CW 134
       boy who had 2T 404
       cannot be elevated from corruption while it is being educated to enslave its moral and intellectual powers 2T 479
       man who had 2T 95
       opium produces CW 134
       problem of elevating, from corruption 2T 479
       sensational or demoralized literature produces CW 134
    debilitated, indulgence of passions causes Te 183
    deficient in spiritual power as result of running on common and trifling things 5T 272
    degraded by debasing thoughts PP 459