EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mind, Minds   [2867]
       ennobles RC 59.3
       quickens/vivifies HP 140.7;OHC 32.5, 111.5;
       renovates, in our day also TDG 195.3
       shining into, brings noble power Mar 229.5
       by brooding over supposed wrongs RY 73.0
       by thinking wrongly about divorce TSB 158.2
    unbelief dispelled from, by Sun of Righteousness 2MCP 680.2
       hinder the work; don’t stop for controversy TDG 221.4
       Satan directs, to refuse light TDG 314.3
    uncultivated, like field of weeds; sow truth SW 50
       difficult to fix on profitable subjects AG 258.3
       directed for corrupt nature; youth HP 218.5
       like an uncultivated field OHC 202.2
       will be at extremes—frivolous or depressed RC 161.3
    undivided, serving God only 1MCP 39.3
    uneducated, enabled to grasp themes of redemption TMK 192.4
    unguarded, Satan takes advantage of UL 101.3