EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mind, Minds   [2867]
    respected and improved by one taking name Christian HP 286.3
    taxed by excess, not by labor itself TDG 33.3
    use, for Christ considering His sacrifice 1MCP 319.1
    wearied by worry HP 113.2
    work given to benefit TDG 133.2
2. Children’s
    active: cannot be kept unoccupied CT 121
       how sensational fiction affects MH 444-5
       should be kept constantly employed CSW 116
    are: active AH 282, 284
       impressible FE 266
       impressionable CT 192
       plastic AH 436
    baby’s: education of CG 300-1
       effects of smile upon AH 436
       is most impressible CG 26
       likened to polished plate of artist AH 436
       molding of, mother should be careful in trusting to others the CG 302
       only teacher of, mother should be CG 300
       parents should be only teachers of 2SM 437