EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    infusion of Spirit 2SM 152
    integrity GW 111;3T 553;4T 448;
       in official duties GW 141
       strong 4T 270
    intellect LS 277
       cultivated 2T 503
    intellectual power to do right work 4T 320
    intelligence GW 111;3T 553;
       on question of temperance Te 245
    intelligent understanding of truth 4T 407
    intense love for soul 2T 337
    James 3:17 imprinted on tablets of his soul 5T 175
    judgment EW 102
    kind spirit EW 103
       exemplary 5T 160
    knowledge and skill for practical duties of everyday life Ed 221
    knowledge of: disease and its causes Ev 547
       God’s word 2T 556
       how to economize CG 135-6