EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       endowment of Spirit is essential to 4T 320
       familiarity with God’s word is essential to GW 252
       is not positive evidence of their calling in some cases EW 98
       old Lancashire woman’s statement re GW 255
    succession of, Christ ordained there should be 4T 529
    suffer from severe mental taxation unrelieved by physical exercise 4T 269
    suffering Man of Calvary is example for 2T 516
    sufficiency of, Christ is to be 6T 414
    support of: church members should contribute cheerfully to GW 454
       God has given His people means to be used for 4T 477
       God’s people responsible for 1T 190
       tithe should be used for 9T 52, 249-50
       See also Tithe
    surprising indifference of, to med. miss. work TM 417
    sweet influences in church are bound up with 6T 413
    symbolized by seven stars AA 586;GW 13-4;SL 78;
       in Christ’s hands 6T 413-4
    tactfulness that is not deception by GW 117
    talk given by EGW to, in 1883 TM 503
    teaching of, directness and force needed in GW 369