EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       not justified by Christ’s teachings VSS 111
    hypnotism has influenced 2MCP 719.1
    impulse not to guide, in exposing mysteries of iniquity RC 240.3
    impurity suggested by; get away from him TSB 105.2
    influence of,
       against law of God 3SM 166.3
       curse from sympathizing with women 1MCP 227.4
       lost by familiarity with a woman TSB 182
       methods to be refined to maintain VSS 258.2
       not telling for God when idolizing theory 1MCP 43.2
       younger wife would not hurt RY 115
    influences in the church are bound up with LHU 318.3
       Holy Spirit impresses hearts VSS 339.2
       in God’s hands LHU 318.3
    knowledge and popularity not to be the goals of TDG 119.4
    laypersons and, to go into ripening fields Mar 106.4
    liberties with another’s wife justified as TSB 148
    light from written word to be used by UL 66.6
    like other men except in responsibilities; not infallible 1MCP 262.2