EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    undivided and unselfish interest in God’s cause and work 2T 516
    undying love for souls 2T 151, 646
    untiring patience and perseverance LS 195
    uprightness through varied trials of life 3T 553
    well balanced by religious principles 5T 528
    wisdom in dealing with minds 4T 262
       in his efforts 8T 17
    wise and watchful discipline 3T 422
    zeal 1T 469;2T 339;
       fervent 2T 337
       in his work GW 95;2T 151, 649;4T 442;
       unabated, in his work LS 195
       untiring, in his work 2T 504
4. Children of
    allowed to do as they pleased 2T 627
    are most neglected children in some cases GW 206
    best qualified to judge of his piety 5T 161
    boy of, who did as he pleased 2T 624
    corrupt and proverb of reproach 1T 235
    failure to discipline 2T 627