EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    diverted from urgent work in field to settle some church trial 5T 615-6
    doing: colporteur work 6T 321
       good work, caution against too much transferring of Ev 690
       personal work can accomplish tenfold more than pulpit preacher 9T 124
    dying from cancer, comfort for 2SM 255
    earnest, God’s cause needs 3T 423
    entering new fields may find it necessary to sell publications 1T 688
    exerting commanding influence for good GW 111
       warning against attachment to 6BC 1086
    favorite, do not copy example of Ev 630
    feeding God’s flock must first eat of bread of heaven TM 340
    feeling that he does not receive due honor 5T 159
    finding: church members at variance should call halt Ev 638
       harvest of souls wherever they labor ChS 67
       it necessary to engage in debate 1T 624
    following as God directs will not be left in uncertainty 2SM 401
    giving themselves wholly to God’s work will have no lack 2T 345
    hard-working, needs periods of rest GW 240
    having: ability to hold large audiences Ev 71;9T 109;
       correct view of Christ’s work and character GW 166