EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Ministry   [316]
    young men entering, cannot spend number of years in obtaining education 5T 27
       teachers should adapt instruction to needs of 5T 27
       may make many mistakes Ev 685
    young men in 6T 411-6
    young men may be saved to, by well organized plans FE 113-4
    young men preparing for, attendance at college benefits 4T 406
    young men should be prepared to engage in CT 494
    young men should engage in CM 28;8T 229-30;
    young men should not enter, without sufficient knowledge of Bible CT 539
    young men should obtain fitness before entering 4T 440
    young men who desire to enter 5T 390-5
    young men who feel called to AA 353-4
    young women should engage in CM 28
2. Miscellaneous
    all are called to 4BC 1159
    all who engage in, are God’s helping hand Ed 271
    angels stand by all who do, to fellow men COL 388
    Christ traveled on foot from place to place in His 9T 87
    Christ’s example of, set for us MYP 211
    Christ’s true followers will co-operate in DA 440