EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Ministry   [316]
    combines med. miss. work and ministry of word 6T 301
    effective, sympathy is spring of Ed 269
    efficiency is assured by, to the needy and suffering Ed 268
    great object of Christ’s life was, to others SC 78
    how to find ways for, to spiritual wants of souls suffering in body COL 233-4
    industry in 3T 551-60
    loving: breaks down prejudice COL 386
       God might have committed all work of, to angels SC 79
       truths of third angel’s message must be revealed by deeds of MM 263
       wins souls to God COL 386
    means service 4BC 1159
    most precious, can be done by ministers in colporteur work TM 317
    object of all, is to let Christ appear 1SM 155
    of healing, God desires us to become acquainted with His 9T 167
    opportunities for, in sanitariums and hospitals MM 187-97
    person who has given life to God in, promises for MB 24
    persons who share in Christ’s glory must share also in His 9T 31
    personal: blessings of, for salvation of others PK 234
       gratitude springs up and faith is kindled as result of MH 145
       service to God includes COL 300