EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Misery, Miseries accumulated, fills world 2T 381    [40]
    around us, do not close your eyes to WM 118
    cumulative, from generation to generation 4T 30
    daily, consequence of unhappy marriages 5T 122
    depths of world’s, Christ knows GW 38
    footsteps of sin followed by 2T 303
    God never intended that, should exist COL 370;6T 273;
    God’s plan that we should co-operate with Him in bringing, to an end Ed 264
    hopeless, Adam’s sin plunged race into SD 11;4T 293;
    human, God does not delight in AH 513
    life’s, aid in relieving and softening COL 417;WM 22;
       as dark and cloudy now as of old WM 22
    man who would have, when peace and happiness were at his command 1T 697
    most of evils causing, might be prevented MH 380
    multitudes in, who worship at shrine of idols PK 185
    nine tenths of all, would end if men would keep God’s law Te 164
    of married life, God is not pleased with 1T 695
    pure love prevents 4T 138
    result of disobeying God’s law SL 76
    Satan is author of PP 378;4aSG 15;
    sin is source of PP 522;6T 404;