EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Money   [754]
    wife’s potential for advising better use of TSB 70
    wisdom to use,
       given by grace 2MCP 558.1
       God’s needed TSB 71.2
    withholding of, from God; covenant not fulfilled AG 150.2
    witnesses of God do not try to serve both Him and HP 168.5
       in Southern field requires SW 64.2
       retarded because of scarcity of, in many places TDG 349.5
       which requires, converted ones are called to do TDG 303.2
    workers concentrated in few places was misuse of CME 10.6
    working for, to advance God’s cause Mar 183.5
    world trusts, instead of God’s free treasure UL 79.5
    See also Expenditure; Gold; Possessions; Profit; Prosperity; Speculation (financial); Stewardship; Treasure; Wealth