EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    man of: cultivated mind and princely bearing Ed 62
       great personal attraction Ed 62
       influence FE 120
       intelligence 1BC 1099
       noble form and stature Ed 62
       prayer CT 408;FE 343;ML 20;
    meek man 5T 396;Te 13-4;
    meekness of, his brightest trait of character 4T 368
    minister of righteousness GW 13
    much time spent in prayer by ML 20
    naturally impatient 4aSG 39;SR 168;
    naturally impetuous MH 474
    never lost: pious impressions received in his youth SR 108
       sight of God’s face 5T 652
    not afraid to be alone with God 4T 533
    patient and suffering leader of Israel SR 160
    patient shepherd to Israel PP 399
    physical appearance of Ed 62
    pious, humble, and forbearing 4aSG 57