EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    preparation of Scriptures began with GC 5
    promises in, God’s willingness to fulfill His PK 464
    regulations re sacrificial offerings were written by, in book PP 466;4aSG 55;SR 171-2;
    Samaritans rejected all Scriptures except DA 193
    song by, historical and prophetic PP 467-8
    statutes recorded by, King Manasseh set aside PK 392-3
    Ten Commandments not written by SR 144
    truth presented to Israel in song by Ev 496-7
    various uses of, in Israel PK 464-6
    without peer as historian, poet, philosopher, and legislator PP 246
    writings of, taught to Israel by Joshua PK 465
    written under: inspiration of Spirit MB 14
       Spirit’s guidance PP 114
8. Miscellaneous
    administered Israel’s laws in God’s name PP 374
    admitted into secret councils of God 1BC 1103
    advantage of practical education to FE 344
    afflicted by Israel’s continual rebellion 3T 339
    aim of, set high MYP 124