EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    appealed to God when unjustly accused 4aSG 30-1
    as God’s representative, administered His laws in His name Ed 37
    as mediator, often stood between Israel and God’s wrath EW 162;PP 326;
    as representative of his people, received God’s law MH 508
    atoning sacrifice presented before 4T 342
    believed Christ’s merits would be imputed to him 5T 652
    boundary lines fixed by, for division of Canaan for Israel PP 511
    brought almost directly into God’s presence 3T 354
    burdens of leadership of, too heavy for one man to bear AA 92-4
    by obeying God became: eloquent, hopeful, and self-possessed in God’s service MH 475;PP 255;
       eloquent, patient, self-reliant, and competent 4T 612-3
    called to minister to ignorant, undisciplined, and rebellious people DA 641
    Christ gave instruction to, for Israel 1BC 1117;CG 355;MM 49;
    Christ gave laws to PP 516
    Christ instructed, re building of sanctuary 6BC 1063
    Christ instructed Israel by mouth of 2BC 994
    Christ proclaimed God’s character to TM 362
    Christ spoke through COL 288;8T 198;
    Christ spoke with, among mountains of Midian DA 290-1