EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    40 years of Israel’s wandering and unbelief wearied PK 174
    foundation of greatness of, laid in his first 12 years of life Ed 61
    full directions given to, re sacrificial offerings in sanctuary services PP 364-5
    given greatest work ever entrusted to mortal man 4T 612-3
    God established, as chief governor over Israel 4aSG 28;3T 344;
    God’s commandments embodied in sacred song by SD 43
    God’s dealings with, exemplified His justice and love PP 479
    God’s dealings with Israel recorded in song by 6T 364-5
    God’s presence with Israel was not dependent on 3T 340
    God’s purposes revealed to, in vision CT 59
    gospel was given to 1SM 230
    gospel was understood by PP 366
    greater than prophet PP 396;4aSG 27;
    heavy burdens of, no excuse for his sin PP 421
    Hobab was brother-in-law of PP 628
    honored: highly by God 1BC 1113;SR 167;
       above every other man on earth PP 420
    implored pardon for his sin, in Christ’s name PP 472
    instruction given to, studied in schools of prophets Ed 47;FE 97;
       study 1BC 1103