EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    plot of Israelites to slay PP 402;3T 355;
    prayer(s) and intercessory plea(s) of DA 421-2
       Aaron’s life spared by PP 323
       for divine guidance GW 417
       for Israel’s future welfare PP 462
       illustrates Christ’s love 3SG 285
       that was almost a complaint PP 380
       that was answered after his death PP 479
       that was answered in a measure DA 421
       that was not answered DA 421;PP 479;
    preached much on temperance Te 150
    precepts delivered privately to, for Israel FE 506
    prepared to meet unbelief and murmuring with patience PP 384
    rashness and zeal of, God pardoned 3T 341
    received all his directions from Christ PP 396
    recognized leader and magistrate of Israel PP 300-1
    religion and institutions given through, Christ said nothing to unsettle faith in DA 307;MB 47;
    religion in time of, same as religion today 2BC 994
    righteous indignation of, defined TM 101