EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mother, Mothers MH 371-8    [970]
    not responsible for circumstances over which they have no control WM 151
    obligated to God and to world to furnish society with children having well-developed characters 3T 563
    personal appearance of AH 251-4
    position of AH 231-9
       more exalted than that of king upon his throne FE 158-9
       more sacred and elevated than that of king 3T 566
    practice that is better on part of, than novel reading AH 289
    prayers of, Christ is ready to hear WM 152
       for conversion of children 2T 274
    precious opportunities committed to every PP 572
    premature death of, as result of overwork 5T 180-1
    presence of: should be greatest attraction to children MH 388;4T 140;
       should be home’s greatest charm CT 114
       should be sunniest place on earth for children AH 241
    priceless opportunities of, to present highest ideal before children MH 378
    principal teacher of children in home CG 26
    privilege of: as child’s first teacher Ed 275
       to bless world by her influence PP 572
       to bring little ones to Christ in arms of faith CT 128
       to mold children’s characters after divine pattern FE 149;PP 572;