EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mother, Mothers MH 371-8    [970]
       much in secret prayer AH 265
       only teachers of infant minds CG 300
       openhearted to husband 1T 157
       practical physiologists 2T 538
       quiet, calm, and self-possessed at all times MH 381
       spared from exhaustion by overwork MH 375
       strictly temperate in habits, for sake of child Te 269
    should not be: constantly finding fault in children 3T 531
       devotee to fashion CG 349
       domestic slave CG 349
       governed by world’s opinion AH 267
    slavery of, to fashionable display FE 61
    solemn obligation of, to exercise self-control MH 373
    Solomon’s love and respect for his 2BC 1025 See also Solomon
    soothing embrace of, children need AH 197
    special responsibility of, in training children AH 184
    spirit of gentleness needed by, in training children ML 53
    sympathy and approval of, are precious to children MH 388
    tact needed by, in child training CG 31
    task of, husband should seek to lighten FE 159