EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mystery, Mysteries after mystery, Christ could have unlocked Ed 81;MH 448;8T 309;    [251]
       may be unfolded to your comprehension 4T 414
    annoying and disappointing, made plain to redeemed in future life MH 474
    Christ comprehended all DA 326
       which patriarchs and prophets desired to understand FE 237
    Christ’s humiliation and condescension was, to angels CG 346
    Christ’s teachings were, to apostles until Pentecost 8T 267
    disappear in light shining from God’s throne MH 466
    divine, great men insufficient in themselves to understand 6BC 1069
       persons trusting boastful decisions of human reason imagine they can explain GC 601
    dread, death to Jews as DA 32
    eternal, much will be revealed re 6BC 1091
    God manifest in flesh is 1SM 249
    God must remain clothed in, to keenest intellect and most highly educated mind SC 105;5T 699;
       to strongest and most highly cultured minds Ed 169
    God shrouds Himself in thick cloud of 3BC 1141
    God speaks personally His, to persons coming to Him in faith DA 668
    God works out His plans veiled in, to human eyes PP 672
    God’s dealings in time of trial may seem to be 2T 269
    God’s gift of His Son to die for rebellious man is SL 75
    God’s wonderful works are, to man 6BC 1093