EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Nation, Nations affairs of ruling, how God miraculously shapes PK 385    [167]
       not found in facilities make it appear invincible Ed 175;PK 502;SD 338;
       not found in its boasted greatness Ed 175;PK 502;SD 338;
    strife and tumult of: Christ still guards His people amid 5T 754
       God still guards His children amid MB 121;PK 176;
       God still guides earth’s affairs amid Ed 178;PK 536;
    that will drink of God’s wrath unmixed with mercy GC 627
    union among, men cannot expect 1T 361
    unrest in Ev 18
    unsettled state of, honest souls troubled as they witness CT 507
       signs of times LS 203;3T 202;
    USA as, in God’s own hand 1T 267
    USA’s prosperity as GC 296
    voice must go forth to arouse 5T 187
    waiting for light of truth, many LS 209
    war waged by, claiming to be Christian 7BC 974
    warning message must go to all DA 828;Ev 573;3T 207;
    weakened morally as they forget God 4BC 1168
    welfare of, fathers’ duty to children bears on RC 175.2
    when cup of iniquity of, will be full 7BC 910
    when mercy will no longer plead in behalf of PK 364