EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Offering, Offerings 9T 49-60    [471]
    cannot recommend man to God or earn His favor 6BC 1059
    cheerful giver of, God’s promise to bless 4aSG 7
    children should earn money for AH 387-8
    Christ demands, of your whole heart and undivided affections 1T 160
    Christ did not lessen man’s obligation to present, to God DA 397
    Christian businessman should give, in proportion to his capital 4T 468
    Christians should not give less, than did Israelites AA 337
    church debts paid by 6T 102-3
    continual imparting of, sowing beside all waters requires 9T 132;TM 424;
    converts should be instructed re 6T 447
    do not give, to be seen of men 2SG 235
    due to God’s treasury, not offset by gifts to charity 9T 248
    duty re, exceed rather than fall short of giving 4T 485
    effort to raise, carried to extremes 3T 510-1
    eloquent appeals for, SDA should not have to resort to 3T 413;4T 474;
    essential part of God’s worship in Israel COL 300
    for God’s cause, that is real sacrifice 1T 636-7
    forbidden ways of securing, for God’s work CS 204-5;WM 289-92;
    frequent appeals needed for, to sustain foreign missions 9T 55-6
    frequent calls for, church members should not complain of 9T 55