EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Offering, Offerings 9T 49-60    [471]
    God blesses giver of CS 75;5T 267-8;
    God calls for, besides tithes CS 82
    God claims, from your goods CS 46
    God delights to honor, given by loving hearts DA 65
    God does not compel men to give CS 82;3T 393;
    God does not estimate, according to amount given 9T 224
    God does not need men’s CS 18;2T 652;4T 477;
    God never requires of His people more, than they can give 5T 269
    God ordained that gospel work should depend on PP 528
    God requires, of His people 2T 652-3;4T 472;
    God requires men to return, to Him CS 75;5T 267;
    God requires that: be brought weekly and monthly 1T 237
       be made at stated times 3T 393
       be proportionate to giver’s income 3T 405
    God values, according to love prompting sacrifice 3T 398-9;9T 224;
       according to motive which prompts giver 2T 667
    God wants men to give, regularly and systematically CS 81;CSW 129;
    God’s blessings to Israel were proportionate to their 3T 395
    God’s plan re CS 75
       carry out regularly and systematically CSW 138