EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Offering, Offerings 9T 49-60    [471]
       motive that actuates giver determines AA 342
    why many poor people have no, to give to God 3T 400
    willingness of giver to bring, God notes 2T 519
    wise men of East brought, to Christ CS 176;DA 65;
    would be multiplied tenfold if God’s people were faithful 4T 474
    your motive in giving: is chronicled by God 2T 519
       God knows 2SG 249
       makes it valuable in God’s sight GW 222
    youth should learn to give, regularly and systematically Ed 239
    youthful heart as, to God ML 160
    See also Donation; Tithes and offerings
    amounts given for, depend on income HP 304.3
    benevolence developed by; God does not depend on them RC 268.7
    beyond tithe, for God’s cause and the poor HP 303.2
    blessing of God on widow’s RC 268.3
    blood of Christ necessary to make, perfect 3SM 339.1
    Cain’s type of, without Christ FW 76.3
    claimed by God to spread truth UL 126.4
    favor of God not deserved by FW 25.1
    giver praised for, but all comes from God FW 22.3