EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Offering, Offerings 9T 49-60    [471]
       Christ commented on DA 614-6
3. Kinds of
    best, give your 1T 221
       that any man can make is lame 4T 379
    blemished, were not to be brought to God’s altar MH 130;PK 489;
    burnt See Burnt offering
    Cain presented to God, of fruit PP 71-2
    children’s: as rivulets make big rivers CS 293
       as rivulets supply stream of beneficence CSW 129
       Christ accepted DA 564
       money box used for saving AH 388
       please God 3T 412
       small, help God’s cause CSW 141
    Christian, compared with Jewish 4T 79
    consecrated, as fragrant incense before God TM 362
    continual, of olive oil for lamp of sanctuary 9T 248
    costing self-denial, God regards as precious 2T 127
    costly, will not open gates of heaven for giver SD 233
    dedicated to God, angel faithfully records 2T 518
       seen in heavenly record in day of God 5T 151