EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Order among God’s people CH 101-3    [151]
    in confusion, when men will discern Ed 270
    in early church, blessings of AA 95-6
    in God’s work, follow 2SM 200
       is necessary 2SG 231
       is required PP 376
       value of PK 617
    in gospel work EW 97-104
       feared by some as dangerous Ev 318;9T 257;TM 488;
       feared by some as popery Ev 318;9T 257;TM 488;
       feared by some as restriction of personal liberty Ev 318;9T 257;TM 488;
       importance of 1T 649
       is necessary Ev 115, 318;4T 601;
    in heaven, God’s people on earth should imitate 2T 697
    in heaven there is 2SG 231;1T 191;2T 697;4T 601;
    in His service, God desires His people to maintain 2SM 35
    in home 2T 259
    in meetings of Sabbathkeepers, is necessary 2SG 288-9
    in primary schools, there should be CT 170
    in public worship, denounced by Münzer (Thomas) GC 191
    in religious meetings, SDA need Ev 207