EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Order among God’s people CH 101-3    [151]
    SDA system of, guard against breaking down TM 228
    should be law of God’s people on earth TM 26
    special, observed among Israelites in Moses’ time 1T 652
    strict, maintained in camp of Israel PP 375
    successful action in battle requires Ev 115
    there must be no breaking down of, in SDA system of organization TM 489
    training of children in CG 110-1
    true, ministers need to sense importance of 2T 614
    union needed among God’s people in maintaining 1T 210-1
    youth who are much opposed to SD 114
    youth need training in 6T 170
    See also Church organization; Disorder; Organization; Plan; Planning; System
       displeased by lack of, in the lives of His children TMK 157.4
       loves, and requires it in His people OHC 230.5
    God of,
       desires us to be in order and under His discipline OHC 228.2
       determination to follow His order 2MCP 596.4
    habits of, essential part of education TDG 173.3
    liberty thought to be restricted by, as popery CET 201.1