EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Passover   [121]
    appointed for social intercourse and worship Ed 41-2
    celebrated by Jews while Christ lay in tomb DA 774
    ceremonial law re defilement as related to DA 723, 742
       held at even on fourteenth day of month GC 399;PP 486, 539;
       stirred imagination and impressed hearts Ed 42
       types of Christ’s work DA 77
    Christ first attended, when twelve years old 5BC 1118;DA 75-83;ML 299;
    commemorated Israel’s deliverance from Egypt DA 76-7, 388, 652;Ed 42;PP 274-7, 485, 539-40;3SG 225;
    cruelties perpetrated by Herod Agrippa I at time of AA 143-4;SR 292-3;
    custom of releasing criminal at time of DA 733
       pagan custom adopted by Jews DA 733
    duties of father or eldest son during AH 324-5
    feast most largely attended was DA 75
    Feast of Unleavened Bread immediately following See Unleavened Bread, Feast of
    first of three annual festivals of Israel PP 537
    God’s purpose in, for His people DA 82
       Jews lost sight of DA 447
    grand Hebrew psalms chanted during PP 538
    great national festival of Jews DA 652;GC 17;