EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Passover   [121]
    Hebrews found in Egyptian habitations on night of, were slain 6T 195
    hospitality shown during COL 220-1;Ed 42;MH 281, 353;PP 530, 539-40;
    houses in Jerusalem open to pilgrims during PP 539
    impressive rites of, Christ’s first view of DA 78
    Israel kept, during fifteen centuries GC 399
    Israel’s second, celebrated at Sinai PP 374
    Israelite boy required to attend, when twelve years old DA 75
    Israelites’ homes divinely protected during PP 537
    James (brother of John) beheaded by Herod Agrippa I during AA 143-4;SR 292-3;
    Jerusalem a city of pilgrims’ tents during DA 685;GC 17;PP 539;
    Jerusalem at time of DA 685;GC 17;PP 539;
    Joseph and Mary attended, every year DA 75
    large attendance at, in Jerusalem DA 154
    law of, Christ offered as Lamb of God in fulfillment of DA 771
       re use of leaven PP 278
    leaven removed from houses of Israel at time of COL 95-6;DA 408;PP 278;
    lesson for parents from AH 324-5
    memorial of God’s care for His people 3SG 224
    millions of Jews at Jerusalem during, of A.D. 70 GC 31