EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Passover   [121]
       after latter rain had ended PP 537-8
       all nature seemed to rejoice at DA 569;PP 537-8;
       at beginning of barley harvest DA 77;PP 539;
       corresponded to last of March or beginning of April DA 76;PP 537-8;
       figs not ripe at, except in certain localities DA 569, 580-1;PP 537-8;
       flooding of Jordan at PP 483-6
       fourteenth day of first Jewish month GC 399;PP 486, 539;
       full moon DA 674, 685, 802;PP 537;
       in freshness and beauty of springtime DA 76, 361, 365-6, 377-8;PP 483-5, 537-8;
       in month of Abib PP 537
       land bright with flowers at DA 76
       land glad with songs of birds at DA 76;PP 538;
       pictured in Song of Solomon 2:11-13 RV PP 537-8
       trees clothed with verdure at DA 569
       when barley and flax were ripe DA 77, 785-6;PP 539;3SG 215;
    virtue in, was symbolic DA 82
    wave sheaf presented at See Barley; Unleavened Bread, Feast of; Wave sheaf
    words Christ spoke at, carried to all parts of world DA 165
    Lord’s Supper replaced FLB 300.2