EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Patience as well as courage, has its victories AA 465    [198]
    wait with, for God’s salvation when in difficulty and trial COL 60-1
    what to do when almost ready to lose your AH 214
    wife should be example of AH 349
    youth should be taught with 4T 142
    See also Forbearance
    affliction need not mean forfeiting HP 246.6
    cause of God served by TMK 186.2
    child of God will reveal HP 365.2
       always showed RC 37.4
       gives His, if we ask for it TMK 53.5
       guides over mountain heights of FLB 249.3
       in the heart brings, under trials RC 59.4
    Christ’s example of, at His trial TMK 139.2
    cultivated by doing kind actions TMK 9.5
    David learned TSB 179.1
    development of, through trials Con 93.1
    example of, by parent RC 186.6
    extended to a guilty world Mar 55.4
    forfeited by habit which weakens nerve power OHC 69.4