EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Pattern, Patterns Christ as. are you faithfully following? 5T 18    [35]
    worldly institutions are not to be, for workers of SDA institutions CH 291;FE 502;
    See also Example; Model
    belief in Christ as, divine power given to those with TDG 352.3
    Christ is our UL 44.2
    Christ lived the perfect UL 117.3
    coming nearer, as Christ’s disciples TMK 121.4
    deviation from, of Christ’s example TMK 325.5
    divine, Holy Spirit molds human according to TMK 57.3
    God has given, not to be spoiled UL 97.2
    impossible to equal, but we may imitate it TMK 265.2
    Moses shown, to be followed precisely HP 147.2
    perfection of, requires faithfulness with threads TDG 75.4
    work after the divine UL 289.5
    worker for God has, to make him a spectacle to the world TDG 30.2
    See also Christ; Similitude