EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Peace abides wherever Spirit reigns DA 153    [356]
    comes through truth OHC 329.4
    comforting another brings OHC 64.5
    coming to God in the name of Christ UL 98.5
    commands of God are, in Holy Spirit HP 183.2
    compassionate spirit has sweet HP 238.5
    condition for receiving, is yoking up with Christ TMK 120.2
    conditions for TMK 85.3
    connection with Christ for HP 33.3
    continuance in faith results in TMK 281.4
    control of thoughts and words ensures HP 164.5
    cost of, battles with devils and struggles with self TMK 287.2
    covenant of,
       expresses pardoning mercy AG 138.4
       Sabbath seen better at time of 3SM 261.0, 388.2
       Sabbath seen in glory at the time of making Mar 245.3
    diffused by heart in harmony with God HP 249.6
    disruption of, See Disruption
    disturber of, we may be called, but so was Christ 3SM 421.1
    division cannot quench Christ’s, OHC 328.6
    duty and privilege to have OHC 179.5