EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Peace abides wherever Spirit reigns DA 153    [356]
       persons having fellowship with Christ have constant 5T 410
       show by daily life that you have 6T 47
       Spirit pleads with men to seek things that give SC 28
    rests upon people who refuse to join in strife of tongues 5T 176
    sense of sins forgiven brings MYP 73
    sin has destroyed DA 336
    sinner’s need of SC 49
    spirit of, as evidence of connection with heaven MB 28
       rests like dew on weary and troubled hearts MB 28
    spoken by Christ to tempest DA 335
    subjecting your will to Christ’s will brings MYP 73
    surrender to Christ brings DA 331
    takes place of strife in converted person DA 173
    things that destroy 1T 706
    true, Christ’s grace is only power that can create or perpetuate DA 305
    universal reign of, will be subsequent to second advent GC 323
    unyielding trust and reliance on Christ brings, to soul SL 90
    why human plans fail to produce DA 305
    with Christ there is 1SM 395
    with God: believer cannot make 1SM 395