EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

People of God   [474]
    faithful, angels are ever near to protect, comfort, heal, instruct, and inspire 6T 308
       daily bread assured to MB 111
    faithful few of, how sinners are indebted for their lives to GC 632
    false representation and angry appeals will stir up passions of the wicked against 5T 450
    falsehoods put in circulation against 1T 353
    fearful tests and trials await 9T 17
    feet of, when wicked will not hesitate to bow at 2T 42
    final deliverance and triumph of, in time of trouble EW 285-8;GC 635-52;1T 184, 353;
    find their strength in Him PK 202
    flight of, from cities and villages EW 282, 284-5;GC 626, 635;5T 464-5;
    forces of, evils used by Satan to destroy 1T 649-50
    God is bringing out and preparing, to stand as one and carry out Christ’s prayer for His disciples 1T 417
    God still tests, by difficulties met in their way PP 437
    God will be refuge of, if they stand for truth as revealed in His word AA 590
    God’s mercy and care in giving so many warnings to, in Testimonies 2T 483
    great crisis awaits 5T 711
    great crisis through which, must soon pass AA 431
    great light has shone on, re last days of earth’s history 7T 54
    great mountains of difficulty met by, throughout their history PK 594
    great proportion of, who now appear to be genuine and true will prove to be base metal 5T 136