EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

People of God   [474]
    outspoken rebellion among, there will be 3T 358
    party strife among, let there be no FE 479
    passing of time in 1843 tested 1T 52
    past experience of, has not lost one jot of its force 2SM 406
    peculiarities distinguishing, meekness and humility should be 4T 226
    perfection of, devils work to hinder and prevent 2T 105
    peril of, in waiting time 2T 195
    peril will beset, on every side TM 116
    persecuting rulers, ministers, and church members will conspire against 5T 450
    persons who plot against, confusion will be brought to counsels of MB 121;5T 754;
    perversity of, brought greatest perplexity to Isaiah PK 305
    places from which Christ will gather, at second advent COL 179
    platform of 3T 446
    plot of the wicked to destroy, to stay God’s judgments EW 36-7;LS 102;
    power promised to, for accomplishment of His work 8T 19-23
    prayer of, will not be heard while the orphan, the fatherless, the lame, the blind, and the sick are neglected among them 3T 518
    preparation for day of God cannot be obtained by, in time of trouble GC 620
    principles that should be revived in hearts of GC 46
    prospect before, of continued struggle at risk of imprisonment, loss of property, and even life itself 7BC 975;5T 712;
    proved and tested by personal testimonies of reproof 2T 112-3