EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

People of God   [474]
       perishing for lack of knowledge now 2T 123
       popular 5T 520
       ready for issue which enforcement of Sunday law will bring 5T 713
       too exclusive 1T 282
       worst people in world 1T 569
    are on: road that grows narrower and narrower 2T 594-7
       trial before universe 6T 445
    are peculiar 1T 243, 431
       because they cannot carry marks of likeness to world FE 311
    are required to: be His helping hand to reach the perishing 6T 445
       remain distinct from world PP 458
    are taught by: direct command 4T 12
       Scriptures 4T 12-3
       Spirit of prophecy 4T 12-3
    as: members of human family are individual parts of one mighty whole FE 479
       true Israel PP 447
    as a body are held responsible for sins in: individuals among them 3T 269
       their midst 3T 265
    at ease and satisfied with present enlightenment will not be favored by Him 5T 708
    attacked by Satan where least guarded 1T 628