EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
burden of SDA is not to present, to people
CW 168
choice rather than numerous, illustrate SDA literature with
CW 172
containing lessons, may aid study of books
CW 167
entitled “The Ark Standing in the Midst of Jordan”
CW 171-2
expensive, make books too costly
CW 170
SDA books being filled with
CW 170
extra money spent on, for books will not convert souls
CW 170
giving no light to purchaser, colporteurs should not sell
CM 98;4T 604;
grossly false as far as truth is concerned
CW 171
illustrating holy things, errors in selecting
CW 171
in book, should lead to study of book
CW 167
should not divert attention from truth contained in book
CW 167
making of, growing into unsanctified ambition
CW 169
not expressing SDA faith, colporteurs should not handle
CM 98;4T 604;