EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Plant, Plants amalgamation of, after man sinned 2SM 288    [89]
    sprang up everywhere after Flood 3SG 77
    sunlight awakens, to life COL 351
    teaching truth to children by means of Ed 111
    tender: blasted by wintry blast CG 148
       dew quickens and invigorates 2T 327
       students compared to CT 104, 231-2
    theme for study 4T 581
    training of, tends to improve man’s judgment and taste 4T 136
    transplanting of (fig.), to give them room to grow 6T 211-2
    useful, must be cultivated CG 169
    valued for use or beauty, require thorough culture AH 468-9;SD 333;
    See also Bush; Grass; Herb; Flower; Shrub; Tree; Vegetation
    adapted to countries and climates UL 334.3
    care for,
       lessons of care for people from OHC 254.4
       like character development TMK 157.2
    Christians are, of the Lord to do His will OHC 254.4
    Christ’s physical and spiritual growth illustrated by TMK 27.2
    constant supply of spiritual life for us as God’s HP 336.4
    growth of,