EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Pleasure, Pleasures adulterers find, in unrighteousness 5T 144-5    [292]
    enjoy, to God’s glory 2T 262
    exciting, home amusements that create love for MYP 399
       that are not safe for home amusement AH 516-7
    exciting scenes of, soul’s fine sensibilities benumbed by CD 226-7
    faith of most Christians has little restraining influence on their 1T 404
    forbidden: happiness is not to be sought in 2T 291
       man who sought 2T 291
       men lay out immense sums of money in following CS 134
       many people debase their godlike manhood by GC 474
       person who is pampering himself in SD 292
       warning against GC 338
       youth who see no danger in MYP 82
    forbidden and exciting, persons charmed by 2T 470
    found: in cultivating pureness of thought MH 198;1SM 87;9T 57;
       in industry 1T 503
    frivolous, do not neglect social meeting for sake of MYP 141
       turn with contempt and loathing from PP 601
    gatherings for: do not unite with world in CT 327-8
       persons who are always ready for TM 85
       professed Christians who are always ready for CT 340