EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    placed by God among us to: awaken love toward the suffering and oppressed 4T 620
       call out from us Christian sympathy and love 3T 391
       provide us opportunities for service 6T 261
       to test us MH 205;6T 261;
    poorest of, can improve their surroundings by rising early and working diligently 6T 188
    possessing virtues that rich man does not have WM 173
    poverty and sickness among, generally caused by their own sins, follies, and wrongs 1T 642
    practical demonstrations of benevolence by sympathy and compassionate acts to 4T 60
    pray with and for MH 158
    preaching to, Christ’s chief work was WM 171
    present gospel to 7T 226
    prevention of suspicion and hatred of, toward the rich PP 536
    prevention of terrible evils of oppression of, by the rich Ed 44;PP 536;
    products of Israel’s fallow fields every seventh year were reserved for Ed 43;PK 647;
    prospered by God often become penurious and exacting 1T 483
    provision made in Israel for, every seventh year Ed 43;PK 646-7;PP 531;
    provisions made for helping, in Bible times MH 186;PK 646-7;4T 467;
    purposely permitted to be thus by God in order to test and prove His people 2T 28
    question of how to best help 6T 188-9
    ray of hope for, provisions made by God to bring PP 534