EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)
sick and afflicted, sanitarium’s duty to
1T 641-3
think they have superior judgment and will not be taught
1T 481
suffering, God prospers some of His people in order that they may help
4T 619-20
unwilling to ask advice or to follow it in business
1T 535
wealthy believers’ duty to
DA 639
wealthy believers’ erroneous idea re
1T 535
wealthy believers should deal liberally with
1T 481
wealthy believers should make difference in favor of, re prices and wages
1T 194
wishing to obtain means without persevering toil
1T 480-1
sin of withholding relief from
4T 620
worthy sick, fees charged by sanitarium for care of
3T 173-4
be: diligent in business and fervent in spirit
1T 115