EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Possession, Possessions above actual necessities of life, Christian’s duty re COL 370    [95]
    time is coming when, cannot be sold at any price 5T 152
    to be held and used as God directs COL 394
    why all mankind is not placed on equality in PP 535;4T 552;
    worldly, loved above Christ 5T 340
    yield, in grateful devotion to Christ 3T 251
    See also Property; Riches; Wealth
    accountability for SW 37.3
    consecrate, to God who gave them OHC 24.5
    deny self of desired, to sacrifice for God OHC 199.3
    entrusted to labor for salvation of sinners HP 302.4
       by God, UL 126.4
       are still His TDG 132.3
       for God’s service, not to separate from Him HP 302.3
       to help humanity; blessings through Christ FW 22.1
    God’s ownership of, lost sight of is embezzling HP 302.4
    grasping Christ’s, as your own HP 222.4
    greatness measured by HP 173.2
    hoarded or selfishly used ruins one’s soul OHC 190.3
    humans are only stewards over TMK 220.4