EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Possession, Possessions above actual necessities of life, Christian’s duty re COL 370    [95]
    increased by taking advantage RC 272.6
    lay, on altar of God to overcome selfish spirit OHC 189.4
    loss of, for truth’s sake, is not our danger TMK 269.3
    neighbor taken advantage of to enlarge HP 243.2
    not to come before God OHC 340.2
    personal value not determined by SW 10.1
    pride of OHC 114.3
    return, to God and He will entrust more to you OHC 191.2
    secured by paying starvation wages, destroyed Mar 283.4
    self-gratification from, that should be used for poor RC 232.2
    talent of, to be used in the Master’s cause TMK 324.3
    transferring, to heaven, worthy of best energies TMK 223.4
    unwillingness to divide, caused turning from Christ FW 70.4
    worldly, peace of Christ not dependent on FW 88.2
    See also Property