EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Power, Powers   [531]
       of 2 Pet. 1:2, 3 received by faith OHC 67.5
       realizing nearness of God; atmosphere of heaven TMK 257.4
       received daily, through ability God has given HP 336.4
       weaken and die for lack of exercise TDG 87.4
       Word of God studied with desire for 3SM 203.2
    sufficient, given in union with Christ OHC 126.4
    supernatural, claimed in body movements; fanaticism NL 51.2
       calls for laying hold of the arm of HP 270.2
       resisted gives, to sow to the Spirit TMK 92.3
    that be, See Authorities; Government; Leadership
    threefold, See also Apostasy, confederacy of
    transforming, of Christ UL 67.4
       in God’s saving, develops slowly FLB 120.4
       the One who understands for keeping UL 348.3
       cherished in heart is a living RC 111.3
       is, when practiced; it must be in the heart TDG 70.4
    unlimited, we may claim RC 214.2