EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Prayer, Prayers   [2560]
    need of 2T 701;5T 201-2;6T 357;
       in attaining Christlikeness GW 80
       in choosing business associates MH 513
       in meeting opposition 9T 148
       in miss. work LS 275
       ministers need to see 4T 528
       to keep from falling into temptation PP 460
       to obtain mastery of self 5T 109-10
       to obtain Spirit 2T 263
    nothing can prevent you from offering SC 99
    obtain fitness for speaking by CT 254
    of contrite souls is lodged by God’s throne 6T 153
    of faithful few for worldly church members is not in vain 5T 210
    of God’s people in time of crisis will be answered SD 353
    of heart-rending anguish should ascend to heaven 6T 408
    of readers of SDA literature in northern Europe Ev 422-3
    offer GW 144;7T 12;
       before giving reproof 2T 53
       for clear perception to discern FE 227
       for people you expect to visit ChS 169